MOOC 1: Reference data for crop type mapping
This course provides an in-depth understanding of reference data requirements (in terms of quantity, quality and format) and processing in the context of land cover and crop type mapping. Detailed topics include reference data definition, collection, harmonization, quality assurance, ingestion into the WorldCereal system, exploration and download of available data and tips & tricks related to the use of the data for mapping purposes. The course consists of a combination of lectures, practical demonstrations and hands-on exercises to ensure participants acquire both the necessary concepts and practical skills to deal with reference data in the WorldCereal context.
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MOOC 2: Building your custom crop type maps using WorldCereal (release: November 2025)
Step-by-step walkthrough on how to train custom algorithms and deploy them at scale using the WorldCereal system.
MOOC 3:Â Validation and downstream applications of crop type maps (release: September 2026)
How do we validate (global) crop type maps and how can we use these products in applications related to food security (e.g. agricultural statistics, yield estimation).
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