Webinar: The WorldCereal processing system

17 October 2024

Join the launch of WorldCereal's new processing system for cropland and crop type mapping at field scale. During the webinar 17 October 2024 you will learn more about the WorldCereal cloud-based processing system, Reference Data Module, possibilities to train and apply crop type models and future extensions.

Release of the WorldCereal processing system

Ten months after the start of WorldCereal Phase II, the project team is excited to launch the first version of the open, cloud-based processing system for cropland and crop type mapping at field scale.

During this second official WorldCereal webinar, we will introduce the different components of the processing system and demonstrate how anyone can make use of the system to generate custom cropland and crop type maps. This involves accessing public in-situ reference data, uploading your own reference data, training custom crop (type) models, applying these models to generate maps and visualizing the final outcomes. Finally, we will highlight future extensions and improvements to the system.

The webinar will consist of a series of short presentations, intertwined with hands-on demonstrations and short polls. We will conclude with a dedicated Q&A session to answer your most pressing questions.

WorldCereal webinar  |  17 October 2024  |  Release of the processing system


  • Welcome and introduction (ESA)
  • Project status update (VITO)
  • The new cloud-based processing system (VITO)
  • The WorldCereal Reference Data Module (IIASA)
  • The WorldCereal classification system (VITO)
  • Next steps & upcoming events (VITO)
  • Q&A


  • Zoltan Szantoi, ESA
  • Kristof Van Tricht, VITO Remote Sensing
  • Jeroen Degerickx, VITO Remote Sensing
  • Hendrik Boogaard, Wageningen Environmental Research
  • Arun Pratihast, Wageningen Environmental Research
  • Santosh Karanam, IIASA
  • Juan-Carlos Lasa Bayas, IIASA