
WorldCereal recognizes the essential expertise of the agricultural user community to achieve well calibrated products at the global scale. For this reason, and to maximize and showcase the usability of the system and generated products, WorldCereal was co-designed with the users, through several use cases that are related to GEOGLAM and the SDGs. The selected key user organizations set the requirements for the WorldCereal products and system. They also validated and assessed the utility of the products and supported the consortium with access to reference data sets and their expertise on agricultural mapping and monitoring.

Champion users

For overall guidance the WorldCereal consortium could count on the WorldCereal Champion Users, 3 influential champion user organizations representative of key communities across the agricultural sector (humanitarian, markets and trade and industry).

  • GEOGLAM, the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Flagship Initiative on Global Agricultural Monitoring, 
  • the G20 Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS) (Policy/Economics/Trade)
  • the FAO with its Global Early Warning and Information System of Food and Agriculture (GIEWS) department and the Land and Water department (Humanitarian/Early Warning/Water use efficiency)

Users network

Recognizing that this is a huge unprecedented undertaking, we believe that it can only be successful through a collaborative approach that engages with the various players within the international monitoring community and leverages the extensive existing efforts, experience and expertise within this community. As such, in addition to the champion users, WorldCereal also engaged with the broad international GEOGLAM community through the Crop Monitor,  NASA Harvest networks and international research organizations. We focused on representatives from key producer/export countries as well as from countries most at risk to food insecurity. 

WordCereal was supported by this user network for in situ data collection, co-validation of the products and to showcase the usage of the WorldCereal products; AAFC, AFSIS, BAGE, CIMMYT, CIMMYT-GLTEN, DSSI, EU-JRC, GODAN, ICARDA, ICRISAT, IFPRI, INTA, JECAM, N2AFRICA, NASA Harvest, ONESOIL, Plant Village, RADI, ROTHAMSTED RESEARCH, WFP etc.